Booking form

We are fully booked on the Houghton farm until September 2025. Schools wishing to book for 2026 should contact Helen directly (see below). There are some visits available at Aglionby - there are still 2hour free visits available at this site.


To make a booking please download the booking form and email to


Please remember to let us know if you require food at least 2 weeks in advance, so we can cater for your dietary requirements.


To make an enquiry and have a chat about your visit please call Helen on 01228 548336.

Susan's Farm Booking Form 2023
2021 Susan's Farm Booking Form.docx
Microsoft Word Document 818.3 KB

Other useful documents

Our H&S checklist for visitors
Susan's Farm CIO H&S checklist for exter
Microsoft Word Document 36.3 KB
Risk Assessment for Aglionby Wetlands
Susan's Farm risk assessment for school
Microsoft Word Document 44.3 KB
Risk Assessment for Houghton Farm
Site risk assessment for Houghton visits
Microsoft Word Document 43.3 KB
Risk Assessment for use of Education Building at Houghton
Building Risk Assessment for Education B
Microsoft Word Document 33.7 KB